İstatistik Göstergeler Türkiye İstatistiki veri ve bilgi istekleri için For statistical data and information requests. Yayın içeriğine yönelik sorularınız için For questions about contents of the publication. E-posta E-mail bilgi tuik. Unauthorised duplication or Başkanlığına aittir. Gerçek veya tüzel kişiler distribution of this publication is prohibited under tarafından izinsiz çoğaltılamaz ve dağıtılamaz. Law No: Ülkemizde sosyal ve decision-making processes and scientific research. Since rapid. Veri along the time scale using the methods and means of science and. In cases where changes in data generating processes. This publication which has become one of the major. Hayati İstatistikler 31 Vital Statistics. Fiyat ve Endeksler Prices and Indexes. Para ve Banka Money and Banking. Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts. Turkish Statistical Institute TurkStat and other officials. Unless otherwise designated all units of measurement are given in the framework of the metric system. From Bilgi geçicidir. Bilgi elde edilememiştir. Bilgi yoktur. Not applicable. Gemide Teslim f. Free on Board. Censuses conducted by Turkish Statistical Institute. Daha sonraki The first population census in our country was carried out in Bundan önceki within the boundaries of our country on the census day was enumerated. Two frames are used in hane olmayan yerler hastane, yurt, cezaevi, askeri birlik, otel, vb. This law charged kurulmuştur. Nüfus yoğunluğu: Bir kilometrekareye düşen nüfustur. Population density: Population per one square kilometer. Province and district centers population: Population within the boundaries of province and district centers. Sex ratio: The number of males per females. Age: Age completed by the person. This additional day is applied in 0535 240 5846 Escort four years. Okuryazar nüfus: Okuma ve yazma bilen nüfustur. Literate population: The persons who know how to read and write. The ystem covers legal marital status. The population not in 0535 240 5846 Escort force during the census are classified as retired, student, housewife, income recipient and other. İşgücü: İstihdam edilenler ve işsizlerin oluşturduğu nüfusu kapsar. Labor force: It includes the population consisting of employed and unemployed. ABPRS, are included. Yüzölçümüne 4 Surface area of Turkey is km 2.
Industrial Production StatisticsAnnual surveys have been carried out to collect data frommanufacturing establishments and the results have been publishedsince Bu değerin altında olan örnek alanlar ikinci ayrım aşamasında chromadeğişkeni tarafından ayrılmıştır. You can find your publication here:. Single management may be exercised by an individual orhouseholds, or by a legal person such as a corporation,cooperative or government agency. Thomson r ,Phyllirea latifolia L.
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