In a video posted on pro-war Russian Telegram channels on Sunday, a man wearing combat fatigues identifies himself as year-old James Scott Rhys Anderson from the UK. The man, speaking with an English accent, says that he served as a signalman in the British army until before joining the International Legion in Ukraine to fight against Russia. In the footage, which has not been verified, the captured man appears with his hands tied. It is unclear when the clip was recorded. Since the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, issued a call in February for foreigners to join the fight, thousands of people from around the world have travelled to Ukraine. Many have joined units such as the International Legion, known as the most selective of the foreign groups and operating as part of a military unit within the Ukrainian ground forces. Russia usually claims that the foreign fighters it has captured are mercenaries and are not entitled to protection as prisoners of war under international law. Russian forces have been battling Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region since 6 August, when Kyiv surprised Moscow with the biggest foreign attack on Russian soil since the second Very Young Escorts Russian war and subsequently seized villages over an area of more than 1, sq km. The men were later released as part of a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine that was brokered by Saudi Arabia. Briton reportedly captured by Russian forces while fighting for Ukraine. Explore more on these topics Ukraine Russia Europe news. Reuse this content. More on this story. Of death — and laughter: how to write plays in Ukraine during wartime. Ukraine: The Forging of a Nation review — the perennial fight against domination by Moscow. Most viewed.
Russia says it scrambles fighter jet to escort French military planes over Black Sea - TASS
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