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To browse Academia. Temporal and spatial deictic words pertaining to the use of free indirect discourse are indicative in D. This paper investigates the combination of these deictic expressions in free indirect style that contribute to the complication of perspective, narrative polyvocality and temporal variety. Such combinations may pave for anachronies and the reader perceives the events twice: anchoring the voice to both moment of utterance and the narrative past. In addition, the study suggests that the co-occurrence of the narrative past with the present time of deictics invokes two seemingly adverse effects. The readers are involved in the immediate consciousness with the help of deictics. They keep a certain distance with the narrative realm as well as Escort Design Santa Rosa La Pampa utmost empathy with the characters. This brings about a situational and dramatic irony. In a nutshell, this study argues that deictic features of free indirect discourse invoke anachrony, polyvocality, irony, and empathy in the narrative text, engaging the reader in the mental processes of the narrator and the character. Meseleyi sadece bir gönül meselesi olarak takdim eden bu anlayış, tasavvufu şeriatın dini hükümlerin bir tür hafifletilmiş hali gibi takdim ediyor. Yani kendince itikadî ve amelî meselelerde dinî sorumluklardan kurtaran, daha geniş hareket imkânı sağlayan bir alan açmış oluyorlar. İslâm'a ve onun en kâmil manada yaşanma çabası demek olan tasavvufa alabildiğinde uzak bu yaklaşım, özellikle Mevlânâ, Şems-i Tebrizî, İbn Arabî -Allah cümlesinin sırrını mukaddes kılsın- gibi zatların cımbızla çekilmiş cümleleri ile desteklenmeye çalışılıyor Literature is one of the most important representatives of the artistic field, which is constructed by an extraordinary array of linguistic and nonlinguistic signs. The short story is one of the genres of that area in which encountering various kinds of signs is possible in the production process of the stories. There are quite a few signs in relation to the attitudes of the narrative persons in such stories. Those are behavioral and emotional signs revealing the mood of narrative persons such as joy, enthusiasm, sadness, cry, cuddling, and embracing. The nonlinguistic signs, sometimes, do not make sense alone. However, they make sense when they are used in a particular context to support the linguistic signs, which displays that the nonlinguistic signs contribute to the meaning established with the linguistic signs. What is significant here is the harmony of using nonlinguistic signs in conjunction with the linguistic ones. If that congruence exists, the produced message becomes stronger and increases its effect; otherwise, the strength and effect of the message decreases and, therefore, the message becomes incomprehensible. In this study, how the affective domain of discourse is produced in short stories, and the contribution of nonlinguistic communication tools in the formation of the emotional field is investigated. The research is carried out within the framework of the possibilities offered by the semiotics of discourse approach, which tries to explore and clarify the inner world of the subject producing discourse, the changing mood, and the forms of expressions of the subject in different situations and events. The Mathnavi genre has an important place in classical Turkish literature. While any narrative is being recounted in mathnavis, some of the themes, patterns or fragments travel from one text to another with certain minor changes. Communication theme is one of the examples of such themes. This paper examines travelling aspects of communication theme, focusing on Leylâ and Mecnûn by Persian poets Nizamî and Hâtifî as well as by a Turkish poet Celilî. 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The love is a human characteristic that the mankind have tried to comprehend his nature for thousands of years. Plato has been an activity for centuries with its evaluations of love. In fact, it is explained as a cause of transcendent existence and as an indispensable part of human illumination since the systemization of Islamic Sufism. Surprisingly the traces of the relationship of love and ascension are seen not only in the Islamic doctrine of Sufism but also in the Christian and Jewish sects. It is quite understandable that the Sufis wrote these works, which talk about the conditions of love and the procedures and bases of reaching the love of Allah.

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